Young animals

Animal births




Offspring of the Rothschild giraffes

"Talulah" born on 15 November 2021.

Welsh Pony born

The cuddly animal, whose name is determined by Chanel Knie, is descended from Samurai and Princesse. It was born on 13 March 2021.

Offspring of the Bactrian camels

Shamundi and Lara are happy about the female cub. Her name is Tamara and she was born on 11 March 2021.

Twin births with the calicoes

'Tim' and 'Nina' were born on 7 March 2021, the parents' names are Fiola and Gelbaug.


Offspring of the Rothschild giraffes

The female cub was born on Saturday, 31 October 2020 at 9:30 am and is in good health. The parents are Luana and Bobo.

Humboldt Penguin

On 8 and 22 April 2020, one young animal hatched each. We will only see later what sex they are.


Fiola and Gelbaug became parents on 13 March 2020, the sex of the little one will only be known later.


Successful night breeding: Births as of mid-February and end of April 2020.

Boehm zebra

Our zebra stallion was born on 3 February 2020.
The parents are Onisha and Yakulu.


Rothschild giraffe

The giraffe girl RIVA saw the light of day on 11 November 2019.
The parents' names are Joy and Bobo.

Animal population

Animal population

Artenbestand: 381 Tiere

Species threatened with extinction: Asian elephant, Rothschild giraffe

Tallest animal: Rothschild giraffe, 4 - 6 metres

Kleinstes Tier: Eurasische Zwergmaus

Schwerstes Tier: Asiatischer Elefantenbulle 'Thisiam', ca. 6800 kg 

Leichtestes Tier: Eurasische Zwergmaus, rund 5 - 7 Gramm

Animal population Knies Kinderzoo

Animal population (PDF)

Swiss Animal Protection STS, Zoo Report 2020

You can find the full report on Knies Kinderzoo here

Animal sponsorships


Knies Kinderzoo has been one of Switzerland's most popular family destinations for more than five decades. On the basis of well thought-out concepts and equipment, new facilities are constantly being created which represent modern zoo animal husbandry and create habitats suitable for the needs of around 390 animal individuals.


On behalf of Knies Kinderzoo , thank you very much for your commitment!


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